Monday, April 2, 2012

The Fun of Being a Blond

Being a blond has it's advantages. I have been blond most of my life, and it is just recently that I am more of a brunette. I would say that blonds do have a lot of fun. One advantage of being a blond is that you don't have to worry about your hair color fading. Another one is that your hair will always shine. Blond hair reflects light, and because of this you won't absorb heat from the sun in the summer time. In the summer we all know that it gets hot and we're always trying to find a way to cool down. Have you ever thought of changing your hair color. Blonds don't absorb heat as much as darker hair color, so naturally, they will be cooler.

Having blond hair is fun to have in the summer time. When I was really blond I loved my highlights within my already blond hair. The sun in the this coming season will help with that. Something fun that I did when I had blond hair is I did a lot of traveling. I had platinum blond hair through high school and through hair school. During this time I went to Disneyland; Hollywood; Zions; and Vegas. While I was in Hollywood I would get told that I should have played Marylin Monroe at the Chinese Theater because of my hair.  I loved my hair and felt always in fashion with it. In hair school I got some heavy straight across bangs that immediately gave me more style, and it really showed off my different colors of blond in my hair. One thing I learned from being blond is you will always have an excuse for your not so thought out conversations ha ha. Now the problem is when I have these moments I don't have much reason. I guess I'll always be blond at heart both on moments in life and the fun I have throughout it.