Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December Feelings

Oh December how I love thee.... all the lights and snow and Christmas spirit. I love this time of the year it is my favorite part, but this year I have so many emotions right now I can't focus. I have overpowering feelings that won't go away and I don't think I want them too. I am so undecive and scared and excited and sad all at the same time. Ughh.... I am ready for a change in my life something that will change my life forever! I want it so bad that I almost settled for it, but I can't settle because I know what I want. I need it in my life right now. This has my concentraion all day everyday please faint step in whenever you feel like it. I can really use you right now. I have never had these feelings before, I am ready. This post is mostly just for me. I know it doesn't make sense, but it really helps me write it down and talk it out.