Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Having Fun on Halloween

Halloween is over and I hope everyone had a good one :) My weekend went by very well. We had a family Halloween party on Friday which was super fun! We had tons of games and some great food. Then, on Saturday I got all gussyed up for my friends Halloween party, which was a lot of fun too! I wore a formal dress with a pretty mask and some ballroom gloves. Before I went to the party we had over my family for some yummy chili and hot cider. I handed out candy this year, because of my dad's accident he couldn't. It was hard for him to not cuz Halloween is one of his favorite holidays! But I had a good time seeing all of the cute kids in their costumes. It was also kind of good for me to hand out candy, because between our house and my neighbors the kids were pretty scared until they saw me I guess...haha all of the kids were calling me a princess. So I was the princess in the middle of all the scariness, they would just stare at me and not look at anything else...haha :) Our neighbors did an awesome job! They had their cousins come over to scare kids, they were running up and down the street with their chainsaws. One guy was really creepy, he was dragging a shovel and banging it everywhere. So much fun can't wait until next year! Now that Halloween is over though I am way excited for the Christmas season. Yesterday I took down all of our Halloween outdoor decorations and got the yard all ready for the putting up of Christmas. I know that all of you are probably saying that it is still to early, but we have so much Christmas decorations that it takes pretty much all of November to put them up. Our tradition that we do on Thanksgiving is the turning on of all the Christmas decorations. So busy busy busy it's going to be until then :)

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