Friday, July 6, 2012

Sunscreen for your Hair

This summer has been a hot one so far, and dry. There are ways to keep your body healthy during the heat of the summer. By doing this it also keeps your skin and hair healthy as well. Because you are whatever you put into your body. I've talked about making sure your drinking enough water under my Liquid Smart post and the benefits, but have you thought of how to protect yourself in other ways?

Well one way to protect your hair from the suns harmful rays is using the right product. Pureology's Color Max does just that, it protects your hair from rays and saves your color for longer. All you do is spray it in after you have washed your hair before you brush it. It will actually make it easier to brush because it's a leave-in conditioner too. Another thing this product has a secret if you spray this on your hair part and on your hair line before you go out in the sun it will help it from burning. How cool is that?! So yes there is sunscreen for your hair believe it or not, and I love it!

While were on the topic of sunscreen please, oh please make sure your wearing sunscreen always. Whenever you are out in the sun you should spray it on, use a 50 or more. The intense heat that is happening  for the last several years is because of our ozone layer on the earth is becoming weakened and having a whole in it. Meaning that the suns rays are able to come through more, so we need to be smart and cover up with sunscreen. I know we all like the tan look, but to tell you the truth it makes you age faster and your skin will over the years of it become looking like leather. Not to mention skin cancer, please be wise and a listen to your body. You want to protect it and stay healthy. A tan might look nice for this season, but your future self would have wished you were wiser.

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