Monday, July 25, 2011

What Matters Most

July is almost gone and I cannot believe how fast it is going by. What an amazing month though, I had my birthday last Sunday, and celerbrated with a family dinner with some delicious food. Then I went and had a party with my friends, which all I got to say is that they are amazing. They all did way to much, but it was the most wonderful birthday ever. I am so happy and grateful for great friends in my life who care about me, and for family who loves me and has always taken care of me. Later that week I went to the Journey concert with my friends Kelsey, Tanner, and Kenny. The concert was awesome and I can't believe that I got to see them in concert; I had so much fun. Then I got back yesterday from camping in Lava with my family. Life is such a journey it has it's downs, but when you get to a peak it can take your breathe away! Life always comes back to what I realize matters most and makes me truly the happiest. God and Jesus Christ are always there for me and I can feel the love they have for me. I came back from camping and started reading my book Defined by Christ; it is teaching me so much. I love this book and I think that everybody should read it! It changes my thinking towards Christ and Heavenly Father on what they are thinking of me and to be more like them. Doing this makes me more humble and grateful for all that they have given me. I know that if you change your way of thinking to this way life will come much easier and all things seem to happen more in your favor.

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