Lately I have had people asking me about what hair color they should do. A lot of them are wanting a change from what they have had, and they just want to feel fresh and new. When it comes to hair color on highlights or just one color you want to do whats going to look the most flattering on you. Something that will compliment you.

What you want to think of when deciding on a new hair color is what will look good with your skin tone. Just because the dark chocolate brown hair color looks good on your friend doesn't mean that it will be the same for you. If you have red in your skin tone it's probably not a good idea to get the Nicole Kidman red in your hair. Instead what you could do is do a pretty brown with a red tone to it. That way the red isn't the dominant color.
A lot of it goes with how dark or fair your skin color is too. I can say from personal experience that someone with fair skin should not go platinum blond. I had platinum blond for a couple of years, and I wish my hair dresser would have told me that is washes me out. I have fair skin and with the blond it did nothing for my completion. It made me look even paler than I was. Once I got into Taylor Andrews and learned about skin tones I learned that I should stay at a medium blond; like a champagne color of blond. It has a little bit of what I like to call "mocha" color in it. It compliments my skin color and doesn't make me look fairer than I am. I have changed my hair color here and there, but I have never gone anymore than three shades darker than my natural which is a medium blond.
If your looking for a change you don't have to do drastic change. Stay with what flatters you and play around with different tones. What I mean by that is a brown with red in it or a softer look of a brown. A blond that doesn't have so much yellow in it and more of a gold. For reds play around with a deeper red or more of a copper. You can still have fun! You just need to find out who makes you "you" and embrace it!!