Talking with people and making them feel great about themselves is my profession
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
December Feelings
Oh December how I love thee.... all the lights and snow and Christmas spirit. I love this time of the year it is my favorite part, but this year I have so many emotions right now I can't focus. I have overpowering feelings that won't go away and I don't think I want them too. I am so undecive and scared and excited and sad all at the same time. Ughh.... I am ready for a change in my life something that will change my life forever! I want it so bad that I almost settled for it, but I can't settle because I know what I want. I need it in my life right now. This has my concentraion all day everyday please faint step in whenever you feel like it. I can really use you right now. I have never had these feelings before, I am ready.
This post is mostly just for me. I know it doesn't make sense, but it really helps me write it down and talk it out.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Getting Motivated

I have been thinking lately how much I truly love what I do! I am determined to bring in new clients in for myself at my salon. I love making people feel good about themselves and talking to people, so I am going to advertise myself more. I am going to talk about what I do more to people and hand out cards. And get a real sense for what people want! I have decided on new specials and services I want to do. My special for the holidays is with any color receive a free designers cut, what a bargain since everyone wants to look great for all of the party's they might be going too. My new service I want to start doing, because it's great for the client and is fun to do is hair extensions. I am talking mostly about highlights or lowlights or some fun color someone wants in their hair; this you can do with hair extensions. It will save your hair a lot of hassle instead of bleaching it or coming to get it foiled in all the time. You will have healthier hair and it will look better because you haven't damaged it but you still have the color you wanted! Also another service I strongly advise is to come in and get foot soaks this winter. It is the most wonderful thing you will ever experience, I will soak your feet in Chymia powder that relives you of pain and makes your feet feel wonderful afterwards! You can come in and get one and relax in our spa atmoshpere sipping on some hot coco :) I am so excited to get started at the salon this holiday season, and hopefully will get to meet new people.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Having Fun on Halloween
Halloween is over and I hope everyone had a good one :) My weekend went by very well. We had a family Halloween party on Friday which was super fun! We had tons of games and some great food. Then, on Saturday I got all gussyed up for my friends Halloween party, which was a lot of fun too! I wore a formal dress with a pretty mask and some ballroom gloves. Before I went to the party we had over my family for some yummy chili and hot cider. I handed out candy this year, because of my dad's accident he couldn't. It was hard for him to not cuz Halloween is one of his favorite holidays! But I had a good time seeing all of the cute kids in their costumes. It was also kind of good for me to hand out candy, because between our house and my neighbors the kids were pretty scared until they saw me I guess...haha all of the kids were calling me a princess. So I was the princess in the middle of all the scariness, they would just stare at me and not look at anything else...haha :) Our neighbors did an awesome job! They had their cousins come over to scare kids, they were running up and down the street with their chainsaws. One guy was really creepy, he was dragging a shovel and banging it everywhere. So much fun can't wait until next year!
Now that Halloween is over though I am way excited for the Christmas season. Yesterday I took down all of our Halloween outdoor decorations and got the yard all ready for the putting up of Christmas. I know that all of you are probably saying that it is still to early, but we have so much Christmas decorations that it takes pretty much all of November to put them up. Our tradition that we do on Thanksgiving is the turning on of all the Christmas decorations. So busy busy busy it's going to be until then :)
Friday, October 15, 2010
Loving Life
I have been thinking a lot about my life lately. Thinking over all of the little things in my life, and the path I am on right now. Living at home; starting my life with my two jobs doing what I love; meeting new people everyday building my clientele. My friends that I have and how great they are to me and making me feel welcomed and comfortable; having them there to talk to and to run away to. My family on how supportive they are to me and always being beside me. I have really realized that I am so lucky in my life! I am so grateful for all that happens in my life and the people in it. I am so lucky that I have people who love me for me which makes me not afraid to show off my true colors.
I have learned so much from the people in my life; my co-workers, friends, and family members. I'm also so excited for my future! Thinking of when I can start a family and spending it with the one person who will always be there and who I will love and be my best friend! This might all sound a little cheesy, but I just want you all to know how grateful I am to all of you and that I love you all! I can honestly say that I love my life!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Getting Creative
Lately I have been getting things ready for events that I have coming up, and I have been getting kind of crafty. I've all of a sudden have had the ambition to just make things from scratch. I use to scrapbook when I was younger with my sister and loved it. I have collected a few materials you use for scrap booking over the years, but I fell out of it for awhile. Until I joined the FCCLA club at Roy High. I became the historian and made a scrapbook of the whole school year and started to get into it. But then I still felt like it took to long and I just never had time.
Well, the other day I was going to start to print off my invitations to my open house at Me Salon, and the color ran out of my printer. So, I printed it in black and white and still wanted to give it some color. I took out all of my scrap booking materials and found such cute things! I started to make my own invitations by hand for it. It wasn't much, but it looked cute and made it fun to go and show everyone. Then, last night I stayed up late making again invitations for a different party. My sister is putting on a Halloween party and I volunteered to make invitations to our family members. I really did more of the scarp booking thing with these ones! They are way cute and I got so ambitious that I made two different kinds of invites for the same event! I think I have something, I can't stop!....haha I will try to take pictures of them so you guys can see my craziness!
Sunday, October 3, 2010

I went to Frightmares the other night with my sister and her family. We had a lot of fun! Lots of entertainment, and fun things to do. We first went over and saw all the shows where they sing and dance; they also have people all dressed up walking around the park. Which I seemed to be afraid of a lot of things this year...haha but it is still a lot of fun! Thanks Sis I had a lot of fun, your the best!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Well, me and my mom and dad got most of our decorations up. It looks really good, but I still feel like there is something missing from the graveyard. So I don't want to post any pictures yet because I don't want any of you to see it until it's done! We also still have to get the roof done. My dad's pumpkins aren't quite done yet. We are waiting on the stupid lights to put on. The company has two of the colors but won't send them because they don't have the third. Ugh! Don't they know that we like to get the decorating done by the 1st ahhh!
We did the decorating this last weekend and I can not believe how hot it was! We were dying outside. The heat was making me sick, I was in it all day Saturday doing yard work and then all day Sunday decorating. I forgot to wear sunscreen, so I got burned! I wish I would get tan from it, but I am your original white girl. Gets burned red and then goes right back white....haha :) I miss the original weather for Fall. The cool temps and cloudy days; usually for decorating weather we are out there til dark and it would be freezing. I would have to put on a hoodie and you would be able see my breath! It is crazy!!!!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Halloween Time
It's that time of the year for me and my family! Getting the Halloween stuff up and it is so much fun! Right me and my mom are decorating the inside of house, and we have the hard part done. Which is getting up and down from the chair doing our autumn leaves above each of the windows. It looks great though, next is all of our shelves. It is so much fun having the house all halloweeny. It really gets you in the fall mood!
My dad has also built some new decorations! He made three pumpkins that will go on top of our house. They are so cute! We have already have them all welded and everything, now we are just waiting on the rope lights we ordered. Then my dad will put those on, the colors will be orange for the outside of the pumpkin, green for the top stem and nose, then purple for eyes and mouth. I will post pictures of them soon! You will love it! This weekend we are getting the outside decorated, so the Halloween House is off and running!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Something New!
Well here I am! I finally started a blog. I am excited to have this and to post things of what is going on in my life. But I am not for sure how any of these things work though.
Well, I guess it's always good to try something new in your life. I know that has been happening a lot to me lately. It's all good things though, like finding out how hard it really is to get a job! It is so hard, I don't really even know how many interviews I went to while I was looking. And they would all tell you the same thing. "We will call you in a couple of weeks", and then you never hear from them. Sometimes people just need to see what you can do before they just judge you from being right out of school.
Then there's the hardships of building a clientele. It involves a lot of work, but I am learning that little by little that all that work pays off. It always se
ems almost in possible though w
hy you are going through the hardships. Like me finally getting a job at Hazens Photography! I can really say that I love what I do! It is so much fun making people look great and giving them a great experience. That is all coming together at my salon as well. It is tiring sitting there waiting for that phone call of someone wanting a haircut, but when I am actually cutting or styling it is so great!
Well I must go. We will see how well I can do this blogging...haha. I am going to post some of my picture from toady's work at the salon. I handed out flyer's to all the local high schools for homecoming and two girls called and m
ade appointments which I did today. I feel that they turned out really great! I realized today that styling hair is like an artist with a brush and a white canvas. I don't really know what I am going to do or how I am doing it when I am styling but it turns out so beautiful when it's all done!
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